The prize for the best poster at the Linz Winterworkshop 2020 was awarded to Ms. Elaheh Zare-Eelanjegh, PhD candidate at the Institute for Biomedical Engineering, LBB, ETH Zurich, for her poster on Fluid force microscopy for single cell micro-manipulation. The research was performed using a Nanosurf FlexAFM-based FluidFM® system.
From the abstract:
To this point, cellular extracts of individual HeLa cell obtained by FluidFM were subjected to the biochemical, transcriptional assays and mass spectroscopy measurements, and confirmed their functional integrity in each case. Further, addressing subcellular localization of the injecting organelles and/or biomolecules is of great importance in the heterogeneity studies over a multi-nucleate cell (e.g. cancer cells or cardiac muscle cells) around either of the nuclei.
The PhD thesis will elaborate on combining FluidFM® with single cell molecular assays, aiming to address the subcellular heterogeneity, owing to the versatility of FluidFM tips and the gentleness of cantilever-membrane contact.
The prize for the best poster is complimentary attendance at next year's Winterworkshop, so we are greatly looking forward to seeing Ms. Zare-Eelanjegh's further reasearch, and what she will be showing us on FPM next in 2021.
Elaheh Zare-Eelanjegh, PhD candidate at the Institute for Biomedical Engineering, LBB, ETH Zurich.